
Medcircle assessment

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Medcircle Assessment



npm i -g gulp
npm i -g mocha
git clone <path to this repo>
cd ./medcircle-assessment
npm i


node app.js
gulp server
npm start
Run Test Suite
gulp test

Example Output

[19:41:06] Starting 'lint'...
[19:41:06] Finished 'lint' after 186 ms
[19:41:06] Starting 'test'...
[19:41:06] Finished 'test' after 1.47 ms

  /articles endpointGET /articles returns list of articlesGET /articles/<id> returns the article with id <id>POST /articles creates article with posted dataDELETE /articles/<id> deletes article with id <id>PUT /articles/<id> updates article with id <id>

  root endpointresponds 200 to / GET requestsresponds 404 to GET requests without route handlers

  7 passing (356ms)
Run w/ Live Reload & Automatic Testing
Generate Documentation

Generate html, json, and markdown documentation in ./docs

gulp doc