
💬These Prolog scripts offer recommendation systems for Tamil movies based on user preferences and track calorie intake for various foods, enhancing decision-making in entertainment and nutrition.

Primary LanguageProlog

Prolog Expert Systems

This repository contains Prolog scripts for two distinct expert systems: a Tamil movie recommendation system and a food calorie calculator. These systems provide guidance and recommendations for movie enthusiasts and individuals monitoring their calorie intake.



The Selcia_ExpertSystem.pl script implements a Tamil movie recommendation system. It defines a set of movies and their respective genres, user preferences, and movies watched by users. The primary functionality is to recommend movies to users based on their preferences, ensuring a more personalized viewing experience.


You can use the recommend(User, RecommendedMovie) predicate to obtain movie recommendations for a specific user. Example: recommend('Selcia', Movie).



Similar to Selcia_ExpertSystem.pl, Selcia_ExpertSystem1.pl serves as a Tamil movie recommendation system. It offers movie recommendations based on user preferences and past viewing history. The script helps users discover movies that align with their cinematic tastes.


Use the recommend(User, RecommendedMovie) predicate for obtaining personalized movie recommendations. Example: recommend('Selcia', Movie).



Selcia_ExpertSystem2.pl is focused on nutrition and calorie calculations. It defines various foods and their respective calorie counts per 100 grams. The script provides rules for calculating the calories of specific quantities of food items and calculating the total calorie intake for a list of foods with corresponding quantities.


You can calculate the calories of a specific quantity of a food item using the calories(Food, Quantity, Calories) predicate. Additionally, you can determine the total calorie intake from a list of foods and their quantities using the total_calories(FoodList, TotalCalories) predicate.

Sample Queries

Each script includes sample queries and example usages of the provided predicates to help you understand how to interact with these expert systems.

Feel free to explore and modify these Prolog scripts to suit your specific needs. These expert systems aim to make recommendations and perform calculations based on predefined data and user input.