Java First demo using jax-ws APIs and jsr-181
This demo illustrates how to develop a service use the "code first"
approach using the JAX-WS APIs.

Building and running the demo using Maven
From the base directory of this sample (i.e., where this README file is
located), the pom.xml file is used to build and run the demo. 

Using either UNIX or Windows:

  mvn clean install   (builds the demo and creates a WAR file for optional Tomcat deployment)
  mvn -Pserver  (from one command line window -- only if using a non-WAR standalone service)
  mvn -Pclient  (from a second command line window)

To remove the code generated from the WSDL file and the .class
files, run "mvn clean".

Alternative: WAR deployment of service to Tomcat (either embedded or standalone)
1.) Update the endpointAddress value in the client.Client class to the WAR-hosted 
value, for running this sample on your local machine most likely:

2.) Standalone Tomcat: Manually copy the generated WAR file to the Tomcat webapps folder, 
or, if you have Maven and Tomcat set up to use the Tomcat Maven Plugin 
( you can
use the mvn tomcat7:redeploy command instead.  

For embedded Tomcat 7: Just run mvn tomcat7:run-war from the project base folder.
For embedded Tomcat 8: Just run mvn cargo:run from the project base folder.

Prior to running the client (mvn -Pclient) it would be good to confirm the 
generated WSDL can be seen from a web browser at: