
This practical consists of a series of questions. Some questions require coding solutions, others require written answers.

You have one hour to complete as many of the questions as possible. You may not be able to complete all of them in the time given. If you get stuck on any question, you should move on to the next one and come back to the question later if you have time.

The coding answers should use Python, Javascript or Java. You can use standard libraries, but not any third-party libraries. The written answers should be a paragraph or two depending on the question.

You will need a Github account to complete the practical. You should create a copy of this repository in your own Github account and push your answers to your repository. You should then send the URL of your repository to the person who sent you the URL of the original repository.

Important: duplicate this repository in your own GitHub account (do not fork it).

The repository must be public for access. If you opt to make the repository private, should add the GitHub account tamuri as a collaborator.

From the moment you receive the URL, you will have one hour to complete the practical. Each question should be answered in a separate file. For example, to answer the question in you should create a file called answer1.txt or with your answer. For coding questions, you should create a file called, for example, (or .js etc.) with your code in it.

Important: Any commits with timestamp after one hour will not be considered. It is recommended that you commit and push your answers regularly so that your work is safe if you run out of time.
