
Django menu application with caching support

Primary LanguagePython


  1. Add mymenu to INSTALLED_APPS.
  2. Add mymenu.context_processors.context to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS.
  3. Run python manage.py syncdb
  4. Run python manage.py migrate mymenu (south required)
# settings.py

    # ...

    # ... (default context processors) 


    # MyMenu context


Add the menu from a django admin page. Use slug of the menu as access key in templates.

For example, let's render the menu that slug is "top"

{% for menu_item in menu.top.items %}
    {% ifequal request.get_full_path menu_item.url %}
        <span class="active">{{ menu_item.name }}</span>
    {% else %}

    <a href="{{ menu_item.url }}"

    {% if menu_item.title %}
        title="{{ menu_item.title }}"
    {% endif %}

    {% if menu_item.target %}
        target="{{ menu_item.target }}"
    {% endif %}>{{ menu_item.name }}</a>
{% endifequal %}