
Flash cards for React QandA

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Flash cards for React QandA Data for our React Flashcard App (Tomorrow) Your task is to use a quick video and the react docs to create a list of questions and answers that we'll use as content for our flashcard app. Task Instructions: Watch the Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2skans2dP4 . Note down any points/concepts that stand out to you. Explore React Documentation: Visit the React official documentation and spend some time reading through the sections. Focus on understanding the core principles and functionalities of React. Formulate Questions and Answers: Based on the video and documentation, come up with at least 10 questions related to React. Each question should be accompanied by an answer. These will form the basis of our flashcard app's content. Assign Unique IDs: To manage our questions and answers effectively in our app, assign a unique ID to each Q&A pair. You can use a simple numbering system, UUIDs, or any other unique identifier scheme you're comfortable with. We will use these Q&A pairs to build our React flashcard app tomorrow, which will help solidify your understanding of React. Save your question bank in a JSON file on your machine. Example below: [ { "id": "q1", "question": "What is the Virtual DOM in React?", "answer": "The Virtual DOM is a programming concept where a virtual representation of the UI is kept in memory and synced with the real DOM by a library such as ReactDOM. This process is called reconciliation." }, ... ]