
Terraform Code to build a Consul Cluster on Hetzner Cloud

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Create a Consul cluster with Hetzner Cloud

Parts of the scripts are coming from the fabulous terraform-aws-consul module, which I adopted for use in hcloud.

  1. Fork the project and download to your disk.
  2. Go to tls/,
  3. Copy variables.tf.originalto variables.tf.
  4. Add missing default values within variables.tf
  5. Run terraform init, terraform plan, terraform apply to create self-signed certificates. Alternatively, you can provide your own CA certificate .ca.crt.pem, private key .consul.key.pem and public key .consul.crt.pem into the packer directory.
  6. Export your HCLOUD_TOKEN as environment variable
  7. Go to packer/
  8. Run packer build consul.yaml
  9. Replace the image value in workspace\system.json with the id packer returned on completion.