Currently the main API methods are:
const LspiFlux = require('lspi-flux')
const lf = new LspiFlux()
// this will make an LspiFlux object with the following defaults
// LspiFlux {storeName: "lspi-flux", mainStore: {}}
// if all goes well this will return {status: true, state: {}} ->
lf.fetchState.state // {}
lf.fetchState.status // true
// if localStorage fails, this will return the state in memory before writing to localStorage
// it will also return a 'status' of false to help handle errors
const someObject = {wow: "wow"}
lf.setState(someObject) // this will return the same object as fetchState
// but the state here will be updated if nothing went wrong
// otherwise, handle the error by checking for a flase status
// if all goes well this will return {status: true, state: {wow: "wow"}} ->
lf.setState(someObject).state // {wow: "wow"}
lf.setState(someObject).status // true
// say you want to name the store and set a default value yourself ->
const ideas = new LspiFlux({}, 'ideas')
ideas.setState([{wow: "ok"}, {wow: "ok"}, {wow: "nope"}])
whereState will return an object with two keys
this does not return the objects state
instead it returns the match of objects wrapped in an array if there are any
***/ // ->
const okResult = ideas.whereState('wow', 'ok')
const okMatch = okResult.match
okResult.state // true
okResult.match // [{wow: "ok"}, {wow: "ok"}]
// okMatch -> [{wow: "ok"}, {wow: "ok"}]
const nopeResult = ideas.whereState('wow', 'nope')
const nopeMatch = nopeResult.match
nopeResult.state // true
nopeResult.match // [{wow: "nope"}]
// nopeMatch -> [{wow: "nope"}]
// this is all that this library offers for the moment
// but a lot can be done to handle state with these three simple methods
// Enjoy!
Go to either:
Clone one of them and:
npm install
npm start
Then go to: http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/test.html
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