A collection of XBRL terminology and definitions in one place, along with translations if available.
Initial translation is in Arabic (ar-EG), but more translations can be added as follows:
# create a translation file for the new language (lang name and symbol as in http://www.lingoes.net/en/translator/langcode.htm)
python page-build.py --make-lang --lang-symbol xx-XX --lang-name Abcd --lang-direction [rtl, ltr] --translator-name <optional> --translator-email <optional> --translator-linkedin <optional> --translator-github <optional>
The language file should be saved under ./json/langs/xx-XX.json
, open the file and start entering translations as follows:
"intro": {
"doc-title": {
"en": "XBRL Glossary Collection",
"xx-XX": "<translation in language>"
"glossary": {
"9aad2f2a700782daf15eb2c734d1ab70": {
"term-name": "Abstract Element",
"term-definition": "An element for which the attribute @abstract .......",
"term-name-lang": "term-name in language",
"term-name-lang-variants": ["< other acceptable translations for the name if any>"],
"term-definition-lang": "<term-definition in language >",
"translation-notes": "notes specific to this translation if any."
When done with the translation, run the following command to merge the translation and render html page
# requires jinja2
python page-build.py --make-langs --make-page -o
This material is personal effort for personal reference, the materials and all attached files and included code are PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.