
Nanowar Game - Defold Mod Player Extension example

Primary LanguageGo


Nanowar is developed by Ben James. All credits goes to him.
I made some changes for testing Mod Player extension. I hope I don't break things...

  • Added touch support for mobile testing
  • Added 1 menu and 10 different level music for testing
  • Added Orthographic camera

You can test it on itch.io: https://selimanac.itch.io/mod-player-demo-nanowar


Don't forget to set your files path in main/data.lua for player.build_path(full_path:string)

M.is_dev = true -- If you are building on Defold Editor then set it true. If you are bundling set it false
M.build_path = "" -- Full path for building on Defold Editor when developing: "<FULL_PATH>/res/common/assets/"