Credit Card Validation API Application created with latest stable version of .NET 6 sdk. There is an POST endpoit for handling the credit card information. Input validations completed with FluentValidation, business validations completed manually. Luhn algorithm helped me for calculating card number division by 10. Application is containerized and pushed to Docker Hub. Please use "docker run -p 8080:80 -d selimkayali/arvatov6" command on your terminal application to download image and run/serve the application on http://localhost:8080/api/cardValidation.

You can use this payload for making a Post request and getting result.

{ "cardHolder": "selim kayali", "cardNumber": "4111111111111111", "expiryDate": "122025", "cvv": "123" }

For unit testing, xUnit, for bdd testing (just one test added) Specflow packaged used.