
👨🏻‍💻 Web API project I prepared for the .NET Core Domination Bootcamp organized by Techcareer.net.

Primary LanguageC#

.Net Core Domination Bootcamp - Project Assignment

The web API project I prepared for the .NET Core Domination Bootcamp organized by Techcareer.net.

How to Use

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Set up your database and connection string in the appsettings.json file.
  3. Run the migrations (dotnet ef database update) to create the database.
  4. Build and run the project.

Features and Best Practices

Feature Description
Dependency Injection Services are registered in the Dependency Injection container for easy management.
Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) Separate DTOs are used to transfer data between layers.
AutoMapper AutoMapper is used to simplify mapping between entities and DTOs.
Api Versioning Api Versioning is implemented using the Asp.Versioning.WebApi package.
Business Logic in ReservationService Business logic is separated from the controller and placed in the ReservationService.

Data Models


Property Type Attributes Description
Id int [Key] Unique identifier for the reservation.
ClientId int [Required] Identifier of the associated client.
CompanyId int? Nullable identifier of the associated company.
RoomId int [Required] Identifier of the associated room.
ReservationDate DateTime [Required, Default: DateTime.Now] Date when the reservation was made.
CheckInDate DateTime [Required] Date when the reservation check-in is scheduled.
CheckOutDate DateTime [Required] Date when the reservation check-out is scheduled.
Status ReservationStatus [Required, Default: Pending] Current status of the reservation (e.g., Pending, Confirmed, Canceled).
AddDate DateTime [Default: DateTime.Now] Date when the record is added.


Property Type Attributes Description
Id int [Key] Unique identifier for the company.
Name string [Required, StringLength(120)] Name of the company.
Address string [Required, StringLength(400)] Address of the company.
AddDate DateTime [Default: DateTime.Now] Date when the record is added.


Property Type Attributes Description
Id int [Key] Unique identifier for the client.
Name string [Required, MaxLength(50)] First name of the client.
Surname string [Required, MaxLength(50)] Last name of the client.
BirthDate DateTime [Required] Birth date of the client.
Address string [MaxLength(100)] Address of the client.
EMail string [Required, EmailAddress] Email address of the client.
CompanyId int [Required] Identifier of the associated company.
AddDate DateTime [Default: DateTime.Now] Date when the record is added.


Property Type Attributes Description
Id int [Key] Unique identifier for the room.
Name string [Required, MaxLength(80)] Name of the room.
Type RoomType Type of the room (e.g., Standard, Premium).
Description string? [MaxLength(200)] Description of the room (nullable).
AddDate DateTime [Default: DateTime.Now] Date when the record is added.