Copied from
This is a minimal standalone version of DFT-D4 providing the D4(EEQ)-ATM and D4(EEQ)-MBD methods.
To compile this version of DFT-D4 the following programs are needed (the number in parentheses specifies the tested versions).
(8.2.1) orifort
(17.0.7 or 18.0.3) compilermeson
(0.49.0) andninja
(1.8.2) as build systemasciidoc
(8.6.10) to build the man-page
The program is build by
$ FC=ifort meson setup build && ninja -C build
The binary is found at build/dftd4 and is ready to use.
The man-page can be build by
$ asciidoc --doctype manpage --format manpage man1/dftd4.1.txt
By adding the directory to the MANPATH
variable the documentation
of DFT-D4 is accessable by man
as been successfully build using
19.0.3 with the MKL as linear algebra backend on Manjaro Linux 18.0gfortran
8.3.0 with the MKL ( as linear algebra backend on Manjaro Linux 18.0gfortran
8.3.0 with LAPACK (3.8.0-2) and openBLAS (0.3.6-1) as linear algebra backend on Manjaro Linux 18.0
could not be compiled with
4 or older (missing Fortran 2003 standard)
DFT-D4 is invoked by
$ dftd4 [options] <file>
where file is a valid xyz-file (coordinates in Ångström) or a Turbomole coord file containing only the $coord data group with coordinates in Bohr.
More information can be obtained from the manpage or by
invoking the program intern help page with --help
For a general D4 calculation to obtain C6 coefficients use
$ dftd4 coord
To calculate a dispersion correction for a PBE0 calculation use
$ dftd4 --func pbe0 coord
Note that, the --func
option will try to make as much sense as
possible from your input, by converting it internally to lowercase
and ignoring most dashes or year number. The input b-p
and BP86/def-TZVP
are therefore equivalent.
To calculate the derivative of the dispersion energy use
$ dftd4 --func pbe0 --grad coord
This will write a Turbomole style gradient
file or will try to
augment an already present gradient
file with the dispersion gradient.
For the D4(EEQ)-MBD method use
$ dftd4 --func pbe0 --mbd coord
Always cite:
Eike Caldeweyher, Christoph Bannwarth and Stefan Grimme, J. Chem. Phys., 2017, 147, 034112. DOI: 10.1063/1.4993215
Eike Caldeweyher, Sebastian Ehlert, Andreas Hansen, Hagen Neugebauer, Sebastian Spicher, Christoph Bannwarth and Stefan Grimme, J. Chem Phys, 2019, 150, 154122. DOI: 10.1063/1.5090222 chemrxiv: 10.26434/chemrxiv.7430216
please report all bugs with an example input and the used geometry,
as well as the --verbose
output to Stefan Grimme
or open an issue.