Quarto demo project

This project contains some quarto files to play with.

In the following I describe the files:


  • 1_penguin_paper_text.qmd: Quarto document with Markdown text only.

  • 2_penguin_paper_code.qmd: Adding code chunks to the document.

  • 2b_penguin_paper_code_comments.qmd: Adding comments to the code chunks to change their default behavior

  • 3_penguin_paper_yaml.qmd: Add more complex yaml header with different output formats

  • 4_penguin_paper_complex.qmd: A more advanced version of penguin_paper that also includes cross-referencing of figures and tables, citations and a more complex yaml header

  • fancy_html.qmd: An example of how to create nice HTML tables and interactive plots

  • python_example.qmd: An example with Python code


  • penguin_presentation1.qmd: A simple presentation that can be rendered to both powerpoint and HTML (revealjs)
  • penguin_presentation2.qmd: Includes more HTML stuff like themes, tabsets, slide transitions, ...


  • quarto_functionality.R: Shows R functions that can be used with quarto package