
TUI client for GitHub

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This is a TUI Client for GitHub. Still Under Development

If you are using Vim, you can use gh.vim instead.



  • Issue
    • list
    • create
    • close
    • open
    • open browser
    • preview
    • edit
  • Issue comment
    • list
    • preview
    • delete
    • edit

Still Under Development

  • Issue
    • add assignees, labels, projects, milestone
    • remove assignees, labels, projects, milestone
  • Issue comment
    • add
  • PR
    • list
    • edit comment
    • add comment
    • delete comment
    • diff
    • create
    • close
    • chanage base
    • merge
  • Github Actions
    • re-run
    • list
    • log
  • File tree
    • preview
    • open browser
    • preview
  • Project
    • columns
    • open(if type is issue, pr)
    • add
    • remove
    • move
    • open browser
  • config
    • set default editor
    • set user keybinds


$ git clone https://github.com/skanehira/github-tui
$ go install ./cmd/ght


At first, please set personal access token and email in config.yaml.

  token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The config.yaml path must be in the bellow place.

OS place
Window %AppData%¥ght¥config.yaml
Mac $HOME/Library/Application Support/ght/config.yaml
Linux/Unix $HOME/.config/ght/config.yaml


# current repository
$ ght

# specified repository
$ ght owner/repo


UI Keybind Description
Common j/down arrow Move down by one row.
Common k/up arrow Move up by one row.
Common g/home Move to the top.
Common G/end Move to the bottom.
Common Ctrl-F/page down Move down by one page.
Common Ctrl-B/page up Move up by one page.
Common Ctrl-N Move next UI.
Common Ctrl-P Move previous UI.
Common Ctrl-C Finish app.
Filters Enter Search with inputed query.
Issues h/left arrow Move left by one column.
Issues l/right arrow Move right by one column.
Issues Ctrl-J Check issue and move down.
Issues Ctrl-K Check issue and move up.
Issues e Edit and update issue body.
Issues o Open checked issue.
Issues c Close checked issue.
Issues Ctrl-O Open checked issue on browser.
Issues / filter with inputed words
Issues n Create new issue.
Issues f Fetch more issue.
Comments h/left arrow Move left by one column.
Comments l/right arrow Move right by one column.
Comments Ctrl-J Check comment and move down.
Comments Ctrl-K Check comment and move up.
Comments Ctrl-O Open checked comment on browser.
Comments n Add new issue comment.
Comments e Edit and update comment body.
Comments / filter with inputed words
Preview / search with inputed words
Preview n move next word
Preview N move previous word
Preview o change to fullscreen


When you creating issue, you can specify multiple labels, projects and assignees with ,. For instance, when you specify 2 labels then must input label1,label2.

When you edit issue body with Edit Body button then $EDITOR be used. If $EDITOR is emtpy or not set, Vim be used.

