SINQ Imaging Plate Scripts

Ryan M. Bergmann, Paul Scherrer Institut, Dec. 2014.

Python scripts that are useful for analyzing SINQ imaging plate results.



0 arguments: Default test plot

1 argument : [file_name] Loads TIF "file_name" and plots it

2 arguments: [file_name] [plot_type] Loads TIF "file_name" and plots according to "plot_type". Plot types = plot (only image), average (calculated average across band, default positions/widths), total_average (calculates average of entire image)

6 arguments: [file_name] [plot_type] [width] [loc_x] [loc_y1] [loc_y2] Same as 2 arguments, but with the specified locations and widths of the averages else : Throw error and print instructions.


$ ./ [args]