drgen - Domino R GENerator
The aim of drgen
is to provide simple tooling to create the necessary helper
files used by Domino Data Lab when server R based content.
Supported content types:
- Shiny apps
- Rmarkdown html output
- Plumber APIs
./drgen --help
usage: drgen [-h] [-f] [-v] {shiny,plumber,rmarkdown} path
Generates R helpers for Domino
positional arguments:
Choose the application type you want to serve
path path to the content to serve
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f, --force Forces overwrite if the output file(s) already exist
-v, --verbose
For detailed help, please see https://github.com/sellorm/drgen
Using the above options various files -- mostly app.sh
-- will be written to
the working directory with the required parameters already populated.