Quarto Youtube embed

A Quarto extension to embed a Youtube video into an html document using a shortcode.

Note: The project is archived and will no longer be updated. The YouTube embed functionality is available in my quarto-social-embeds project.


Install the extension with:

quarto install extension sellorm/quarto-youtube-embed


To embed a video into your Quarto html document you can use the shortcode like this:

{{< youtube VIDEO_ID >}}

Where VIDEO_ID is the youtube video ID. For example:

{{< youtube zk9zHqXm6m0 >}}

You can obtain the video ID by inspecting Youtube's URLs.

For instance, in this URL, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk9zHqXm6m0 the video ID is the part after v= in the URL.

See example.qmd for a full example.