
A curated list of everything helpful for WordPress development

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The Problem

Developing for WordPress is a complex task. You need to take care of many common problems in lots of different areas. Although there are many ready-made solutions and approaches to most of them, they're scattered across the internet.

This solution

This is (becoming) a curated list of such snippets, techniques & tools that can make WordPress development faster, more manageable & convenient task.

Useful general links


General techniques

Self-versioning styles and scripts

PHP function - filemtime - comes in quite handy when dealing with browser cache busting. It gets file modification time and returns it as a Unix timestamp.

int filemtime( string $filename )


$my_stylesheet_uri = get_template_directory_uri() . '/dist/style.min.css';

	filemtime( $my_stylesheet_uri ) 

outputs something like

<link rel='stylesheet' id='my-style-css' href='http://my-website.com/wp-content/themes/my-theme/dist/style.min.css?ver=1512143428' type='text/css' media='all' />

Notice the style.min.css?ver=1512143428 where 1512143428 is a Unix timestamp, which represents the last time you edited the file.