
A demo of a dockerized Bitbucket instance proxied with Traefik and automated SSL cert management.

Primary LanguageShell

Bitbucket, Traefik & SSL, Postgres - Docker and Docker Compose

This repository demonstrates how to use Atlassian's official Bitbucket docker image, The official PostgreSQL image and Traefik as a proxy handling SSL certificate management through LetsEncrypt with AWS route53.


Intended as a simple setup deployed on one virtual machine (VM) and orchestrated by docker-compose. Backups can be done with nightly snapshots or scripted. There is a very simple backup.sh script which demonstrates how to backup both the file system and the database locally on the machine. You could have CI server execute it and store the backups if wanted.

Architectural Overview

Traefik proxies:

  • SSH on TCP port 7999
  • Traefik Dashboard on port 8080
  • Bitbucket on port 443

Traefik Overview


  • A domain registered in AWS Route53 for domain verification with LetsEncrypt for SSL cert management. Example: thedukedk.net.
  • AWS Account ID and the corresponding secret.
  • Linux Host with Docker and Docker Compose installed.


  • Fill out the variables in the .env file.
  • Add the FQDN to your hosts file. Must match SERVER_PROXY_NAME in the .env file. Example: bitbucket.thedukedk.net.


docker-compose up -d

  • Container restart policies are set to unless-stopped so they will be restarted on a reboot unless specifically stopped.




Run ./backup-restore.sh -b.

This will produce two time stamped files in a sub-directory called backup.

  • <TIMESTAMP>-bitbucket-db.sql which is produced by pg_dump.
  • <TIMESTAMP>-bitbucket-data.tgz which is just compressed tarball of Bitbuckets home directory.
  • If the containers were running when the backup was executed they will be restarted.


Run ./backup-restore.sh -r -t backup/<TIMESTAMP>-bitbucket-data.tgz -d backup/<TIMESTAMP>-bitbucket-db.sql

  • A Fresh backup will be done prior to restoring for rollback purposes.
  • If the containers were running when the restore was executed they will be restarted.