
Virtual wordprocessor engine that runs in mobile (React native), web browser(Javascript) and server (Nodejs)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Virtual wordprocessor engine that runs in mobile (React native), web browser(Javascript) and server (Nodejs)

For virtual calc engine: https://www.github.com/selvan/calc-engine


  • Support for Cut/Copy/Paste
  • Support for Undo/Redo
  • Support for Bold, Italic, Underline, Strike through
  • Support for Alignment (Left, Right, Center) and Quote
  • Support for List items



There are two kind of nodes in wordprocessor-engine,

  • Container (Line, List, HBox)
  • Content (Picture, Chart, Text)


Text node holds text content. It supports handling operation such as,

  • handleBackspace
  • handleDeleteAt
  • handleReturnAt
  • insertStrAt
  • splitNodeAfter
  • splitNodeBefore
  • splitNodeBetween
  • clone

See lib/wordprocessor/node/content/tests/textnode for details on these operations


LineNode holds one or more text nodes. It supports handling operation such as,

  • addChildAfter
  • addChildBefore
  • deleteChildById
  • extractChildById
  • forEach
  • merge
  • mergeAfterChild
  • pop
  • push
  • splitAfterChild
  • splitAtChild

See lib/wordprocessor/node/container/tests/containernode for details on these operations

Performing Cut/Copy

See /lib/wordprocessor/visitor/__tests__/CutCopyVisitor-test.js

Performing Paste

See /lib/wordprocessor/visitor/__tests__/PasteVisitor-test.js

Predorming Undo/Redo

See lib/wordprocessor/__tests__/UndoManager-test.js

Creating List items

See /lib/wordprocessor/visitor/__tests__/ListStyleVisitor-test.js

Quote, Align Left, Right, Center

See /lib/wordprocessor/visitor/__tests__/LineStyleVisitor-test.js

Bold, Italic, Underline, Strike through

See /lib/wordprocessor/visitor/__tests__/TextStyleVisitor-test.js

Delete bunch of Nodes

See /lib/wordprocessor/visitor/__tests__/DeleteVisitor-test.js

Performing Serialization and Deserialization

See /lib/wordprocessor/__tests__/Deserializer-test.js


Build on code change (Used during development)

npm run start

This will create dist/bundle.js

Running all tests

npm run test

Build minimalized output

npm run build

This will create dist/bundle.min.js

Notes about user selection

  • There are two kind of nodes a) Container (Line, List, HBox) b) Content (Picture, Chart, Text)
  • Content node shall be cursor focusable (text node) or non-cusrsor focuable (Picture, Chart)
  • User can only set a selection range on a text node.