(Unofficial) Documentation for Bosch Sensortec Application Board 3.0

The repo holds source and generated unofficial, open-source, community-written web documentation for the Bosch Sensortec Application Board 3.0 evaluation board.

The documentation is available as github pages and is updated via github actions. We use sphinx as a documentation engine. The documentation is written in reStructuredText and converted to HTML with python. To obtain its familiar look-and-feel, we use the sphinx_rtd_theme.

Access the HTML pages with the following link:


Note: Browsers do cache results. Refresh the page / try using different browser if you think you access the old version.

Building documentation locally

To build the documentation locally, install sphinx and the sphinx_rtd_theme:

pip install sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme

Use sphinx to generate documentation from *.rst files:

  • build HTML pages:
python -m sphinx -b html source out/html
  • build LaTeX pages:
python -m sphinx -b latex source out/latex

When the HTML pages are generated, spawn the http.server to view the pages locally:

cd /path/to/generated/html/
python -m http.server 8080

Go to the localhost:8080 in browser and read the pages.


Dr. Konstantin Selyunin, for suggestions / questions / comments please contact: selyunin [dot] k [dot] v [at] gmail [dot] com