
Create and trigger responsive beacons and tooltips for your ReactJS apps

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Tooltipper

NOTE: This is a fork of the very nice react-joyride project, created mostly for utilitarian reasons, and it is in the very early stages of development. Things may break.

Use this React mixin to create and trigger responsive beacons and tooltips for your ReactJS apps. It can be used to show either clickable beacons that will open tooltips or simply to show the open tooltips themselves. The beacons and tooltips are dynamically positioned so as to appear attached to their target elements, and will reposition themselves on resizing (or can be forced to reposition themselves in response to certain events). The main purpose of the mixin is to facilitate the management of discrete, good-looking, easy-to-use tooltips and beacons in a React application, where those tooltips/beacons may or may not be necessarily connected, and may or may not be triggered in response to disconnected events. A side-benefit is fewer state changes than might be involved in a joyride. On the other hand, if your tooltips and beacons will be necessarily connected (i.e., triggered one after another), then react-joyride will probably better serve your needs.


npm install --save react-tooltipper
var react = require('react');
var tooltipper = require('react-tooltipper').Mixin;

var App = React.createClass({
  mixins: [tooltipper],

This mixin can change state often, so you might want to use react-addons-pure-render-mixin in your components as well.


If your are using SCSS:

@include 'react-tooltipper/lib/styles/react-tooltipper'

Or include this directly in your html:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="react-tooltipper/lib/styles/react-tooltipper.css" type="text/css">

Getting Started

Set the options for your tooltips when the controller view component mounts.

    completeCallback: () => {},
    doDebounceResize: true,
    scrollOffset: 90,
    showOverlay: false,
    scrollToTooltip: true

Define your tooltips whenever you'd like (prior to triggering):

const tooltips = [{
    title: 'Tooltip Title',
    text: 'Some text for the tooltip.',
    selector: '.some-selector',
    position: 'bottom'
}, . . . ];

When you'd like, add your tooltip and trigger it:

this.tooltipperSetTooltipData(tooltips[0]); // or whatever tooltip element you'd like
componentDidMount: function () {



Change the initial options during componentWillMount. All optional.

  • options {object} - One or more of the options below.

closeOnAnyClick {boolean}: If true, close tooltips if the user clicks anywhere. If false, close tooltips only when the user clicks on the 'x' for the tooltip. Defaults to false.

completeCallback {function}: It will be called after a closes the tooltip. Defaults to undefined

doDebounceResize {boolean}: Do or do not debounce the resize event listenre. Defaults to true

scrollOffset {number}: The scrollTop offset used in scrollToTooltip. Defaults to 20

scrollToTooltip {boolean}: Scroll the page to the next tooltip if needed. Defaults to true

showOverlay {boolean}: Display an overlay with holes above your tooltips. Defaults to true

tooltipOffset {number}: The tooltip offset from the target. Defaults to 30


Set up a tooltip to be shown on the next call to this.tooltipperTrigger.

  • tooltipData {object} - Data describing the tooltip, as in the example below.
		title: "", //optional
		text: "...",
		selector: "...",
		position: "..."


Call this method to trigger the tooltip defined with this.tooltipperSetTooltipData.

  • autorun {boolean} - Optional; displays the tooltip in an already opened state (no beacon to click)


Call this method to force a tooltip or beacon to recalculate its positioning. Typically, this happens automatically, so you should only really need to call this method if (for example) an element is added to or removed from the DOM and this should have an effect on the beacon's/tooltip's placement.

tooltipData Syntax

There are 4 usable options but you can pass extra parameters.

  • title: The title of the tooltip (optional)
  • text: The tooltip's body (required)
  • selector: The target DOM selector to which your tooltip will "attach" (required)
  • position: Relative position of you beacon and tooltip. It can be one of these: right, left, top, top-left, top-right, bottom, bottom-left, bottom-right and center. This defaults to top.


    title: 'First Tooltip',
    text: 'Start using the tooltipper',
    selector: '.first-tooltip',
    position: 'bottom-left',
    name: 'my-first-tooltip',
    parent: 'MyComponentName'

SCSS Options


  • $tooltipper-color: The base color. Defaults to #f04
  • $tooltipper-zindex: Defaults to 1500
  • $tooltipper-overlay-color: Defaults to rgba(#000, 0.5)
  • $tooltipper-beacon-color: Defaults to $tooltipper-color
  • $tooltipper-beacon-size: Defaults to 36px
  • $tooltipper-hole-border-radius: Defaults to 4px
  • $tooltipper-hole-shadow: Defaults to 0 0 15px rgba(#000, 0.5)


  • $tooltipper-tooltip-arrow-size: You must use even numbers to avoid half-pixel inconsistencies. Defaults to 28px
  • $tooltipper-tooltip-bg-color: Defaults to #fff
  • $tooltipper-tooltip-border-radius: Defaults to 8px
  • $tooltipper-tooltip-color: The header and text color. Defaults to #555
  • $tooltipper-tooltip-font-size: Defaults to 16px
  • $tooltipper-tooltip-padding: Defaults to 20px
  • $tooltipper-tooltip-shadow: Defaults to drop-shadow(2px 4px 4px rgba(#000, 0.5))
  • $tooltipper-tooltip-width: Sass list of Mobile / Tablet / Desktop sizes. Defaults to (290px, 360px, 450px)
  • $tooltipper-header-color: Defaults to $tooltipper-tooltip-header-color
  • $tooltipper-header-font-size: Defaults to 20px
  • $tooltipper-header-border-color: Defaults to $tooltipper-color
  • $tooltipper-header-border-width: Defaults to 1px
  • $tooltipper-button-bg-color: Defaults to $tooltipper-color
  • $tooltipper-button-color: Defaults to #fff
  • $tooltipper-button-border-radius: Defaults to 4px
  • $tooltipper-back-button-color: Defaults to $tooltipper-color
  • $tooltipper-skip-button-color: Defaults to #ccc


Copyright © 2015 Jason Rogers - MIT License

Forked from react-joyride