
Powerful mockserver client wrapper with expectations, request matchers and actions builders in TypeScript notation.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

npm build one dependency only types included
Powerful mockserver client wrapper based on builders with expectation, request matcher and action builders in TypeScript notation.

Based around mockserver-client-node.


The package provides the ability to program the MockServer in design mode.

Configure expectations, scheduling requests and responses through a convenient builder system.

Detailed API documentation of MockServer can be found on the official website.


npm i mockserver-client-builder
import { client } from 'mockserver-client-builder';

// Config
const config = {
  host: 'mockserver-srv',
  port: 1080,
  tls: false,

// Simple plain response mock
  .mockSimpleResponse('/simple-mock-request', { music: 'Rock' }, 418);

Running MockServer in the Docker

For running MockServer in Docker for local usage you can apply this docker-compose.yml.

For advanced manual configuration of MockServer in Docker see this article.

Usage examples

To run some scenario use nodejs CLI for compiled js.

$ eslint . --ext .ts
$ tcs --build
$ nodejs ./lib/path/complex-expectation.js

Now your MockServer is ready to accept requests with expectation responses based on complex-expectation.js scenario.

Example #1. Complex expectation creation

Let's create a new file complex-expectation.ts for mock expectation implementation.

import {
  client, expectation, request, response,
} from 'mockserver-client-builder';

 * Complex expectation building with some advanced params for request matcher, response and expectation.
 * @see {@link https://www.mock-server.com/mock_server/creating_expectations.html}

// Config
const config = {
  host: 'mockserver-srv',
  port: 1080,
  tls: false,

// Expectation
const expectationBuilder = expectation()
// When we send request
        'filter[id]': ['11', '12'],
        code: ['61'],
// We expect a respond
        items: [
            id: '1',
            name: 'Ростов-на-Дону',
            id: '2',
            name: 'Москва',
            id: '3',
            name: 'Таганрог',
        session_id: 'Rftre5638jucg93',
        'Content-Type': [
          'application/json; charset=utf-8',
        'Cache-Control': [
          'public, max-age=86400',
        'X-Vendor': [
          'Oleg Chulakov Studio',
// Sets priority of expectation
// After 2 calls the expectation will be cleared
    remainingTimes: 2,
// After 30 seconds the expectation will be deleted
    timeUnit: 'SECONDS',
    timeToLive: 30,
// Set custom expectation id for simple update (replace)

// Send our expectation into mocksever
  .then((/* value */) => {
    console.log('OK: /cities');
  }, (/* reason */) => {
    console.log('FAIL: /cities');

Example #2. Clear all expecattions data from mockserver

Let's write a small code in file reset-all.ts.

import { client } from 'mockserver-client-builder';

 * Clear & resets all data: logs, expectations.
 * @see {@link https://www.mock-server.com/mock_server/clearing_and_resetting.html}

// Config
const config = {
  host: 'mockserver-srv',
  port: 1080,
  tls: false,

// Reset all saved expectations in Mockserver
  .then((/* value */) => {
    console.log('OK: Clear All');
  }, (/* reason */) => {
    console.log('FAIL: Clear All');

Other examples

See other examples with creation of requests, responses, expectations and also control it in mockserver.

Run tests

For example, the MockServer started on mockserver-srv, without https and on 1080 port.

SCHEMA=http HOST=mockserver-srv PORT=1080 npm run test