- 14
Failed step "prepare" of plugin "@semantic-release/npm" due to reading malformed path
#773 opened by joshunrau - 3
Why support of legacy auth was dropped?
#598 opened by Tri0L - 1
Feature request: check permission to publish in verify step (if it's even possible)
#848 opened by jedwards1211 - 0
#846 opened by SHAHAD-way - 1
[Question] monorepo project
#829 opened by nikolicjakov - 3
semantic-release/npm forced npm version in scripts
#524 opened by ghmeier - 4
npm ERR! log.http is not a function
#809 opened by mcarvin8 - 4
Cannot set properties of null (setting 'peer')
#807 opened by seahindeniz - 2
- 1
pkgRoot property not working
#601 opened by paulorenanmelo - 11
ERR_INVALID_AUTH triggered by semantic-release npm despite not having this field set in checkout directory
#777 opened by cdaringe - 0
- 0
align approach for concatenating `.npmrc` files to better align with default npm behavior
#791 opened by travi - 0
improve auth token resolution
#790 opened by travi - 3
Array format/style is being changed
#789 opened by Th3S4mur41 - 3
- 1
- 2
NPM Audit Signatures issue on 11.0.3
#763 opened by nicholasgriffintn - 0
- 1
#756 opened by bpneal - 0
Update a package.json in a sub folder
#750 opened by Johannes-Schiel - 6
Publishing failed since update from npm@10.2.4 to npm@10.2.5 with files mentioned in .gitignore
#725 opened by darlenya - 1
error on publishing
#654 opened by sivaselvimahalingam - 2
- 2
Set --no-workspaces with npm version
#639 opened by wilbert-abreu - 3
npm whoami failing
#612 opened by kpruden - 1
- 7
Add support for npm v9
#530 opened by Mitchell-Mulder - 4
fix vulnerability with http-cache-semantics <4.1.0
#574 opened by ydekel6 - 1
Provenance support not working?
#605 opened by seebeen - 14
- 0
Use clean-publish
#546 opened by BondarenkoAlex - 8
a `Cannot read properties of null (reading 'matches'` error when using multi-semantic-release
#540 opened by arvinxx - 3
npm publish looks for package.json at disk root
#536 opened by euginetwr - 1
Incompatible with Yarn (Berry)
#539 opened by mklueh - 1
`prepack` run twice when set `tarballDir`
#535 opened by atian25 - 1
Why is `npm version` used to set the version?
#526 opened by oliversalzburg - 0
Provide a better error message in case of an E400 bad request without further explanation from npm
#519 opened by gr2m - 0
- 3
HIGH SEVERITY security problem CVE-2021-3795 (semver-regex and find-versions)
#517 opened by pierluigilenoci - 1
`npm publish` failing: `The "path" argument must be of type string. Received undefined`
#508 opened by RebeccaStevens - 3
no-workspaces-update option
#495 opened by johngeorgewright - 3
Lifetime scripts do not seem to execute
#507 opened by MichaelBrunn3r - 0
Issues getting postversion to work
#506 opened by MichaelBrunn3r - 1
Sign published packages with sigstore
#505 opened by JamieMagee - 1
Version doesn't increment in `package.json` of yarn workspace, because of `EUNSUPPORTEDPROTOCOL`
#500 opened by adrienjoly - 0
i have some qustion
#499 opened by astronautchen - 0
Upgrade peer dependency semantic-release to version 19.0.3 or later to fix known vulnerability
#498 opened by ocofaigh - 0
fails to find pkgDir in some versions
#492 opened by its-dibo - 0