
Vim plugin for working with the Phoenix framework

Primary LanguageVimLMIT LicenseMIT


This plugin helps you navigate and develop projects using the Phoenix web framework. A Phoenix project is detected by looking for a mix.exs file along with web directory. When you edit a file in a Phoenix project, this plugin will be activated. This sets various options and defines some commands. It also integrates with other Vim plugins.


  • Integrates with vim-projectionist for navigating project files according to Phoenix conventions.
  • Comes with extra mappings for vim-surround.
  • Comes with extra snippets for UltiSnips.
  • Provides :Mix command that delegates to mix.
  • Provides project-specific Vim navigation settings for path and suffixesadd.

See the documentation (:help phoenix) for more information.


Use your favourite Vim plugin manager to install this plugin. I use pathogen. Otherwise, download this plugin and put the files in its subdirectories to the corresponding subdirectories in your ~/.vim directory.


To find our more about the Phoenix framework, see: https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix

To get the latest updates or report bugs, see this plugin's Github repository: https://github.com/avdgaag/vim-phoenix


Author: Arjan van der Gaag URL: http://arjanvandergaag.nl

This plugin is based on earlier work by Tim Pope, who has released many incredible Vim plugins.
