
A demonstration of using Node-RED, RDFox and Raspberry Pi to gather and condense air sensor data

An Air Quality Sensor Nework Aggregator Using RDFox and Node-RED on Raspberry Pi

The Node-Red code gathers data from a set of air sensors ( see luftdaten.info for details of sensors) every 5 minutes. The sensors provide PM10 and PM2.5 readings at specified locations (lat, long, alt). A separate Node-Red flow runs hourly to gather the readings of the previous hour, count the readings per sensor, and calculate min and max. This data is then sent to RDFox, Allegrograph or any other triplestore that allows SPARQL over HTTP.

Items needed:

Install RDFox and Node-RED on the Pi Import the 2 flows from the code in the repo Adjust paths and add credentials for the Allegrograph connection Start the code by deploying in Node-RED