
📄 Resume of Miguel Pimentel.

📄 Resume – Miguel Pimentel

Hello, I'm Miguel Pimentel and this repository holds the code for my resume.

JSON Resume is an open-source initiative to create a JSON-based standard for resumes. I use their project to host my resume.

📦 Hosting your Resume

You can host yours in one of two ways: via GitHub Gist and via a GitHub Repository. Let's explore those.

Hosting via GitHub Gist

The easy way to host your resume is by making a GitHub Gist name resume.json on https://gist.github.com.

For example, mine can be found at https://gist.github.com/semanticdata/a2052f31ac55306c5859777baf2d8e4a which then automatically gets hosted at https://registry.jsonresume.org/semanticdata.

You can then just edit your Gist using the online GUI and it should update within a minute.

Hosting via GitHub Repository

If you would like to have your resume.json in a repository like this one. You can set up a Github Action that automatically updates your resume.json gist to match what is in your repository everytime you push. Take a look at the example below:

name: Update Resume Gist

on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout Repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Update Resume Gist
        uses: exuanbo/actions-deploy-gist@v1
          token: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }}
          gist_id: a2052f31ac55306c5859777baf2d8e4a
          file_path: resume.json

🚩 Repository Resume Setup

  1. Create a gist called resume.json.
  2. Create or fork this repo and commit your updated resume.json to it.
  3. Create a Personal Github token that has just the gist scope.
  4. Go to your repository settings, under security, find "Secrets and variables", then open the Actions under it.
  5. Add a new secret called TOKEN with the value being from the personal token you created in in step 3.
  6. Now simply push to your repo, and your resume.json from the repo, will update your gist resume.json and thus updating the JSON Resume registry to match.

✔ Validating your Resume

We use Resumed, a lightweight JSON Resume builder to validate our resume.json. This prevents pushing invalid JSON, which will break your resume.

# Install Resumed
npm i resumed

# Validate resume
npm run validate

# Render resume
npm run render

# Create sample resume
npm run sample

⏳ Automatic Pre-commit Validation

With the help of Husky, a Git hook manager, we can validate our resume automatically before every commit. Preventing us from pushing invalid code. Here's a quick setup guide:

# Install Husky
npm install --save-dev husky

# Initiate Husky
npx husky init

# Add a New Hook
echo "npm run validate" > .husky/pre-commit

Done! Now our validate script will run before all commits.
