Remove git playbooks requirement
jasonculligan opened this issue · 11 comments
I try to create a playbook, for example to run apt-get update on some servers, but I cannot access any part of semaphore that will allow me to create this playbook.
v2.3, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64bit. No error specifically but I cannot locate where to enter the contents of my playbook.
ok - so for "Playbook repository" in "Templates" I can enter /etc/ansible/playbooks (where I will keep playbooks), and I need to have "/etc/ansible/playbooks/playbook.yml" present before I can config playbook.yml as the "Playbook name" in the "templates"?
For the most basic template, with a local git directory:
- Create an ssh key (can be the ssh key to access the inventory)
- Create a repository, pointing "Repository" field to the local folder (note: must be a server git repository - init with
git init --bare
then commit to it) - Create an inventory which your playbook will access
- Create a template with given repository and use things created above ^
I'm missing the git part. I don't use git to store my playbooks, just plain .yml files. Is this mandatory for semaphore?
Unfortunately it is, you could just use a local git server..
# create a git repo
git init && git add --all && git commit -m "fc"
# create server git repo
mkdir -p /tmp/my_git.git && cd /tmp/my_git.git
# init repository
git init --bare
# go back to original folder
cd -
# add local origin
git remote add origin /tmp/my_git.git
# push to local folder
git push origin master
now point semaphore to /tmp/my_git.git
and it will work. Just remember to update the local git repository after changing files.
I know why this is a pain, fortunately we can make this easier ;)
While this is irrelevant to your post, you really should manage your playbooks with Git.
You can create a private repo on Gitlab for free for this purpose.
The drawback I find is when testing these playbooks. As I work in a windows environment, I have to change -> commit -> push -> run.
i have done the above steps but still getting below error
automation@auhdcvhiste02:/opt/project/playbooks$ sudo git push origin master
Enumerating objects: 13, done.
Counting objects: 100% (13/13), done.
Delta compression using up to 16 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done.
Writing objects: 100% (13/13), 3.87 KiB | 1.29 MiB/s, done.
Total 13 (delta 7), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
To /tmp/my_git.git
- [new branch] master -> master
11:43:02 AM
Task 2147483622 added to queue
11:43:03 AM
Started: 2147483622
11:43:03 AM
Run TaskRunner with template: upgrade_test_servers
11:43:03 AM
Preparing: 2147483622
11:43:03 AM
Failed in finding static repository at /tmp/my_git.git: stat /tmp/my_git.git: no such file or directory
11:43:03 AM
Running playbook failed: stat /tmp/my_git.git: no such file or directory
Hi @raja24790 what you want to do?
Hi @raja24790 what you want to do?
I want to use my local repository which i have made in /opt/project/playbooks. But I am not able to configure it in semaphore. I tried every method mentioned.
I did all this also
create a git repo
git init && git add --all && git commit -m "fc"
create server git repo
mkdir -p /tmp/my_git.git && cd /tmp/my_git.git
init repository
git init --bare
go back to original folder
cd -
add local origin
git remote add origin /tmp/my_git.git
push to local folder
git push origin master
Then i added path in repository as /tmp/my_git.git but yet it is giving the error "Failed in finding static repository at /tmp/my_git.git: stat /tmp/my_git.git: no such file or directory
Could you please share detailed steps. Thanks in advance.