Library sederhana API Telkom buat NodeJS.
- OAuth(1)
- API SMS(2)
- API UPoint(3)
- API Email(1)
- API TelkomID(9)
- API Payment(5)
Dokumentasi lengkap bisa ditemuin dimari :
API gak semuanya di test, ane cuman test buat SMS sama EMAIL aja. Tolong bantu test ya & sorry berantakan codenya, maklum newbie hehe, sekalian push dimari, kayany masih banyak yang error :-))
Ok coba apa yang bisa diakuin sama library ini, silahkan cek.
Instol via NPM:
$ npm install telkom
Require library
var telkom = require('telkom'),
ConsumerKey = '',
ConsumerSecret = '';
OAuth via API
var Telkomse = new telkom( ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, function( err ){
console.log( err )
}, function( telkomObj ){
//Send EMail - start{
to : "",
subject : "subject test via API Telkom",
content : "kontent test via API Telkom"
}, function( err ){
console.log( err )
}, function( result ){
console.log( result );
//Send EMail - end
//Send SMS - start
requestid : "1",
to : "62822********",
message : "test via API Telkom",
code : "9147"
}, function( err ){
console.log( err )
}, function( result ){
console.log( );
console.log( result.response );
telkomObj.sms.bulk({ /* optionsparams */ }, function( err ){}, function( result){ });
//Send SMS - end
API TelkomID
//TelkomID - start
telkomObj.telkomid.queryuserprofile({ /* optionsparams */ }, function( err ){}, function( result){ });
telkomObj.telkomid.activeuser({ /* optionsparams */ }, function( err ){}, function( result){ });
telkomObj.telkomid.resetpassword({ /* optionsparams */ }, function( err ){}, function( result){ });
telkomObj.telkomid.queryproductprofile({ /* optionsparams */ }, function( err ){}, function( result){ });
telkomObj.telkomid.deactivateuser({ /* optionsparams */ }, function( err ){}, function( result){ });
telkomObj.telkomid.createuserprofile({ /* optionsparams */ }, function( err ){}, function( result){ });
telkomObj.telkomid.changepassword({ /* optionsparams */ }, function( err ){}, function( result){ });
telkomObj.telkomid.searchuser({ /* optionsparams */ }, function( err ){}, function( result){ });
telkomObj.telkomid.checkuserexist({ /* optionsparams */ }, function( err ){}, function( result){ });
//TelkomID - end
API UPoint
//UPoint - start
telkomObj.upoint.speedy({ /* optionsparams */ }, function( err ){}, function( result){ });{ /* optionsparams */ }, function( err ){}, function( result){ });
telkomObj.upoint.generate({ /* optionsparams */ }, function( err ){}, function( result){ });
//UPoint - end
API Payment
//Payment - start
telkomObj.payment.tmoney({ /* optionsparams */ }, function( err ){}, function( result){ });
telkomObj.payment.finpay195({ /* optionsparams */ }, function( err ){}, function( result){ });
telkomObj.payment.checkstatusfinpay195({ /* optionsparams */ }, function( err ){}, function( result){ });
//Payment - end
Kalau mau pake parameter aslinya dari API Telkom, pake .oriparams({ original parameter dimari });
//Payment - start
//Send EMail with Original Params - start
to : "",
subject : "subject test via API Telkom parameter ori",
content : "kontent test via API Telkom parameter ori"
.email(function( err ){
console.log( err )
}, function( result ){
console.log( );
//Send EMail with Original Params - end