
bulkCollectionUpdate is a quick way to update/replace the whole content of a collection with the content of an array. A use case (and why I created this) is to store a cached version of external content such as a RSS feed or the result of a JSON API which then can easily be updated (insert new, delete old and update existing documents).

By default the _id field is used as the primary identifier. Since this ID in many cases is not contained within the source data you can define any document property as the primaryKey. In the below example the field email will be used.

The delete option should not be used for really large datasets, as all documents (but only the primaryKey field) will be fetched from the collection!


$ meteor add sembrador:bulk-collection-update

The module is registered in the Atmosphere repository.


bulkCollectionUpdate(collection, data, [options])



Must be a Meteor collection object, not only the name (new Meteor.Collection(...))


Must be an array, containing the objects which will be stored in the collection


Object containing optional parameters, which are:

primaryKey: The document/object property which will be used to identify a document as unique. Both, the document in the collection and the object in data need to have this property. Default: _id

deleteMissing: Only if this is set to true, documents which are not contained in data will be deleted from the collection. Default: false

callback: A callback function which will be executed after data was written to the collection.


Insert data

// Define some data you want to insert.
// Each element will be added (or updated) as a document to the collection
var data = [
    firstName: "Daniel",
    lastName:  "Schroeder",
    email:     "daniel.phatthanan@example.com"
    firstName: "Carl",
    lastName:  "Jennings",
    email:     "carl.jennings@example.com"

// define the collection
var students = new Meteor.Collection("students");

// bulk insert the data. The field email will be used as primary identifier for the records
bulkCollectionUpdate(students, data, {
  primaryKey: "email",
  callback: function() {
    console.log("Done. Collection now has " + students.find().count() + " documents.");

Both elements are now inserted in the collection.

Update data

Updating data is the exact same as inserting new data. If there is no element with a matching primaryKey, a new document will be created. If a matching document was found it will be updated.

// update a document, first in the data array...
data[0].lastName = "Phatthanan";

// ...then again write in bulk to the collection
bulkCollectionUpdate(students, data, {
  primaryKey: "email",
  callback: function() {
    console.log("Collection updated.");

Deleting data

To delete data, you need to set the option deleteMissing to true. By default bulkCollectionUpdate will never delete documents from a collections.

delete data[1];
// now there is only 1 element in data left

// You have to set deleteMissing to true
bulkCollectionUpdate(students, data, {
  primaryKey: "email",
  deleteMissing: true,
  callback: function() {
    console.log("Done. Collection now has " + students.find().count() + " document.");

Now there is only 1 document left in the students collection.

Passing an empty array would clear the whole collection:

bulkCollectionUpdate(students, [], {
  primaryKey: "email",
  deleteMissing: true,
  callback: function() {
    console.log("Done. Collection now has " + students.find().count() + " documents.");

But it's not recommended to use this to clear a collection, as each document will be deleted separately. If you want to drop all data, use collection.remove({}) instead.

###Complete example for easy copy & paste

// Define some data you want to insert.
// Each element will be added (or updated) as a document to the collection
var data = [
    firstName: "Daniel",
    lastName:  "Schroeder",
    email:     "daniel.phatthanan@example.com"
    firstName: "Carl",
    lastName:  "Jennings",
    email:     "carl.jennings@example.com"

// define the collection
var students = new Meteor.Collection("students");

var insertData = function() {
  // bulk insert the data. The field email will be used as primary identifier for the records
  bulkCollectionUpdate(students, data, {
    primaryKey: "email",
    callback: function() {
      console.log("Done. Collection now has " + students.find().count() + " documents.");

var updateData = function() {
  // update a document, first in the data array...
  data[0].lastName = "Phatthanan";
  // ...then again write in bulk to the collection
  bulkCollectionUpdate(students, data, {
    primaryKey: "email",
    callback: function() {
      console.log("Collection updated.");

var deleteData = function() {
  delete data[1];
  // now there is only 1 element in data left
  // WRONG: this will NOT work, as the option deleteMissing is missing
  bulkCollectionUpdate(students, data, {
    primaryKey: "email",
    callback: function() {
      console.log("Nothing happened!");
  // CORRECT: you have to set deleteMissing to true
  bulkCollectionUpdate(students, data, {
    primaryKey: "email",
    deleteMissing: true,
    callback: function() {
      console.log("Done. Collection now has " + students.find().count() + " document.");
