A macOS Public external Hack for Counter-Strike Global Offensive
Open the xCode Project an build the Product. Then locate the file by right click the executable and click on "Show in Finder"
Open Terminal and the executable file to terminal. Make sure you put "sudo" in front of the filename. The Hack must run as run to work properly
- Aimbot (Smooth, Hitbox, RCS, Visibility Check)
- Glow (Team/Enemy, Visibility Check, Weapon, Bomb, Chicken)
- TriggerBot (Hitbox)
- No/Reduced Flash
- Auto duck on shooting
- Auto Pistol Switch
- Auto Knife Switch
- Bunnyhop
- KnifeBot
- Rank Revealer in Console
- Glow GoTV Mode
All Settings can be customized by a settings.ini file. Please make sure it's located right beside the GO:SX executable.
- Sometimes crashes when Bomb explodes
- Segmentation fault when running before ingame.
- Not fully tested with the latest CS:GO Updates