code for NLUT: Neural-based 3D Lookup Tables for Video Photorealistic Style Transfer

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

NLUT: Neural-based 3D Lookup Tables for Video Photorealistic Style Transfer


NLUT(see our paper and project page )is a super fast photorealistic style transfer method for video. We build a neural network to generate a stylized 3D LUT. The goal is to realize fast photorealistic style transfer for video. Specifically, we train the neural network that produces 3D LUT on a large dataset and then fine-tune it in test-time training to generate a stylized 3D LUT of a specific style image and video content. Although our method needs fine-tuning when used, it is more effective than other methods and is super fast in video processing. For example, it can process 8K video in less than 2 milliseconds. In the future, we will explore ways to generate 3D LUTs in arbitrary styles even more quickly.



Please ensure that you have correctly configured the following environment and you can quickly install the required environment through the following command.

pip install -r requirements.txt
  • matplotlib==3.5.1
  • numpy==1.22.4
  • opencv_python==
  • Pillow==9.4.0
  • plotly==5.13.0
  • scipy==1.7.3
  • setuptools==58.0.4
  • torch==1.10.1
  • torchvision==0.11.2
  • tqdm==4.62.3

The fast deployment of 3D LUT relies on the CUDA implementation of trilinear interpolation in Image-Adaptive-3DLUT. To install their trilinear library:

cd trilinear_cpp
sh setup.sh


Training dataset.

You can download the training dataset through the link below

pre-trained checkpoint: link:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1VddHbq2cBy5RcKOp8S5eSg extraction code:1234 or google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YqCKnfqzOPtmwdYAziGZMQ79iAI0_0ur


All the appropriate hyper-parameters have been set as default,Only the content_path and style_path needs to be modified before training.

You can train with the following commands

python train.py --content_dir <path> --style_dir <path>


We have set the appropriate hyper-parameters as the default,Only the content_path and style_path needs to be modified before testing.

generate stylized image

python inference_finetuning_image.py --content_path <path> --style_path <path> --output_path <path>

generate stylized video

python inference_finetuning_video.py --content_path <path> --style_path <path> --src_video <path> --dst_video <path>


This algorithm is licensed under the MIT License.See the LICENSE file for details.