
This repository contains the code for the following paper:

Distractor generation for multiple-choice questions with predictive prompting and large language models

If you use part of the code/dataset please cite:

      title={Distractor generation for multiple-choice questions with predictive prompting and large language models}, 
      author={Semere Kiros Bitew and Johannes Deleu and Chris Develder and Thomas Demeester},

The test-data folder contains all the subjects as JSON files. Each subject is a list of questions with the following attributes:

        "question": "Hoe loopt een impuls via een motorisch neuron via de ruggenmergzenuw naar een de effector?",
        "answer": "via de ventrale wortel",
        "language": "nl",
        "distractors": [
            "via de dorsale wortel"
        "qid": "156a5cb0-1a30-458d-9ad1-e19ddeea05f6"

Predictions from the different models

The predictions-model_name folder contains the predictions from each of the models. The models are zero-shot, mt5, few-shot and few-shot-static


pip install -r requirements.txt

To generate distractors using Zero-shot ChatGPT: run

 python zeroshot_chatgpt.py --subject "subject-name" --output_path  "output-folder-name" 

To generate distractors using Few-shot ChatGPT: run

python fewshot_chatGPT.py --subject "subject-name" --output_path  "output-folder-name" 

To generate distractors using Static-Few-shot ChatGPT: run

 python static_fewshot_chatGPT.py --subject "subject-name" --output_path  "output-folder-name" 

To generate distractors using mt5 model: run

 python mt5/mt5.py --subject "subject-name" --output_path  "output-folder-name" 

Fine-tune mt5 model from scratch (requires proprietary data)

 sh run_mt5.sh


We use the Python ChatGPT wrapper from here. To install the wrapper:

 pip install git+https://github.com/mmabrouk/chatgpt-wrapper