
This repository contains API specifications and generated documentation for Eveoh's APIs.


The OpenAPI 3.0 specifications are generated using ReDoc. Production API documentation pages are automatically published by Github Pages when changes are pushed to the master branch.


Viewing documentation locally

Specifications can be served locally using Yarn commands:

yarn serve:<spec>

For example:

yarn serve:echo-webhooks

Documentation is available at http://localhost:3000.

Changes to source files are automatically processed, although your browser should be manually refreshed.

Linting specifications

Linting is performed using Speccy.

Lint the specs using the following Yarn command:

yarn lint

Adding a API specification

  • Add the OpenAPI 3.0 file to /spec.
  • Create a HTML file in /docs serving the specification.
  • Add a link to the specification in /docs/index.html.
  • Add a lint:<spec> script in package.json.
  • Add a serve:<spec> script in package.json.