
The BornHack 2017 Badge

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Bornhack Badge 2017

About the hardware

The Bornhack 2017 badge is based around a SiLabs Happy Gecko microcontroller, an OLED graphical display, a few buttons and a USB interface.

The microcontroller is a Cortex-M0+ with built in USB, specifically we are using the EFM32HG322F64G and one of the 128x64 pixels OLED displays with an SSD1306 controller.

We have separated the hardware design files from the code and put them in the hardware branch for you to have a look at and build on.

You can download the microcontroller reference manual and datasheet directly from SiliconLabs.

About the code

This repo is meant as a starting point for developing your own code for the Bornhack 2017 badge.

Although main.c is quite long it is not meant to scare you. Rather it is meant to show in all its gory details how to actually program microcontrollers that doesn't run any operating system without hiding anything behind a thick API. However to make things readable it does make use of the geckonator library. This is a very thin wrapper around the registers of the Happy Gecko chip on the badge. It allows us to write something like


rather than the more cryptic


Don't worry. The compiler will sort it out and do exactly as if you'd written the cryptic version.

Scroll to the bottom of main.c and you'll see an infinite loop. This is the 'mainloop' of the program. It simply waits for events such as button presses and reacts to those. When there are no more events to be processed in the internal queue you'll get one last EVENT_LAST event before the chip will sleep and wait for more events.

Events are added to the queue by the interrupt handler functions. You can recognize those by the fact that they're public (ie. not marked by static) and their name will end in _IRQHandler. Before entering the mainloop the chip is configured to call these handlers on certain events such the voltage on a pin dropping from above 1.5V to below 0.3V caused by the press of a button.

Develop software online

Go to badge.xil.se, click "All Projects" and choose the official example. Start hacking. Once your code compiles this is how you program your badge:

  1. Click the "Download binary" button to download the compiled code.
  2. Connect the USB cable to the board and your computer.
  3. Press the BOOT button on the badge.
  4. Copy the downloaded .bin-file to the GECKOBOOT USB stick that appeared on your computer.
  5. Eject (or unmount) the USB stick, and watch your code run.

Develop software locally

1. Install dependencies

pacman -S arm-none-eabi-gcc arm-none-eabi-newlib make
apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-arm-none-eabi make

Unfortunately the toolchain in Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 is too old to work out of the box.

dnf install arm-none-eabi-gcc arm-none-eabi-newlib make

Download an arm-none-eabi toolchain from ARM here. Unpack the tarball and update your PATH variable to point to the unpacked bin directory.

Option 1

Download the apropriate installer from ARM here. Install it and update your path. You'll also need GNU Make installed. A pre-built version can be downloaded here.

Option 2

Use Windows Subsystem for Linux with Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial or newer and proceed as on Ubuntu above.

2. Get the source code

If you already have git installed

git clone https://github.com/bornhack/badge2017.git
cd badge2017

Otherwise you can download a tarball or zip file from https://github.com/bornhack/badge2017

3. Build the code

Simply type make in the downloaded directory. If the build fails (fx. on Debian Jessie and Ubuntu Xenial) try editing the Makefile and uncommenting the line which says OLD=1.

If there are no compilation errors this will result in a code.bin in the out directory.

4. Program the badge with your compiled code

Option 1

Proceed as above, but instead of downloading your .bin-file use the out/code.bin you just generated above.

Option 2

Alternatively you can install a program called dfu-util. With this program installed you can simply put the badge in bootloader mode by pressing the BOOT button, and then type make dfu. Usually your dfu-util package comes with rules to give your user (and hence dfu-util) access to the raw USB device. If not you might need sudo make dfu.