
:world_map: Lightweight and context-free key-value maps

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Lightweight and context-free key-value maps

Objects in JavaScript have been traditionally used as associative arrays to associate keys with values. Unfortunately, these kinds of object maps can only handle keys whose types are primitive values. Any other kinds of values will be automatically converted into a string via .toString().

> map[[3, 42]] = 'dragons' // here be dragons!
> map
{ '3,42': 'dragons' }

> [3, 42] in map

This kind of type coercion can be considered somewhat useful for arrays, which happen to be the closest that native JavaScript can get to actual tuples. However, it turns out to be practically useless when applied to other kinds of objects.

> map[{ object: 'with', stuff }] = 'big rip'
> map
{ '[object Object]': 'big rip' }

To address this issue, ES6 introduced the Map object, which removes the limit on what types of keys can be used.

But using the Map constructor doesn't just break backwards compatibility - it also suffers from the fact that Map instances can't be serialized to JSON.

> JSON.stringify(new Map())

Feel free to move on ahead if neither of these drawbacks apply to you, but I wanted to try my hand at creating a fast and serializable model for associative arrays based strictly on primitives instead of constructors. This module is what I came up with. 🎉



In this module, a map is any object with the fields keys and values, both of which are arrays.

var map = {
  keys: ['foo', [3, 42]],
  values: ['bar', 'dragons']

These two arrays are correlated ("associated") by index; e.g. map.keys[0] corresponds to map.values[0].

> map.keys[0] + ' -> ' + map.values[0]
'foo -> bar'

The number of entries in a map (i.e. its size) can be determined via map.keys.length, which is especially useful when iterating over each entry.

for (var i = 0; i < map.keys.length; i++) {
  var key = map.keys[i]
  var value = map.values[i]
  console.log(key + ' -> ' + value)


Use get(map, key) to retrieve a key's corresponding value if it exists, otherwise undefined.

> var get = require('associate/get')
> get(map, 'foo')


To add new entries or alter existing ones, use set(map, key, value).

> var set = require('associate/set')
> set(map, 'lorem', 'ipsum')


Use has(map, key) to determine if map contains an entry called key.

> var has = require('associate/has')
> has(map, 'lorem')


To remove an entry, use clear(map, key).

> clear(map, 'foo')

In this scenario, clear returns the same value that has(map, key) would have returned. Therefore, it will return false if the given key is not found.

> clear(map, 'bogus')

If you would like to clear all of a map's entries without creating any new objects, simply omit the second argument.

> clear(map)

> map.keys.length

see also


MIT © Brandon Semilla