
:sparkles:tiny project scaffolding tool

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This tool is a tiny project scaffolder that customizes a given template directory using a user-defined map.

Install it globally through npm:

npm i -g scaffy

The following represents an example directory to be used as a template. Notice the fields in double braces.

├── lib
│   └── {{name}}.js -> ''
├── license         -> ...
├── package.json    -> '{ "name": "{{name}}", "description": "{{description}}" }'
└── readme.md       -> '# {{name}}\n> {{description}}'

Passing this directory into scaffy will bring up a prompt that enables you to fill in the necessary fields.

$ scaffy templates/module
scaffy v3.0.3
Using template `module`
(1/2) name: example
(2/2) description: An example module
Write to `/foo/bar/example` successful

$ cat example/readme.md
# example
> An example module

$ ls example/lib

This concept can be further expanded upon to cover logic-less templates as large as you deem necessary.


npm badge


  $ scaffy [src] [options]

  -h, --help     show this help message
  -v, --version  display package version
  -i, --input    path to source template (alias for <src>)
  -o, --output   path to which the resulting file tree is written (defaults to name arg)
  -O, --open     tag indicating the beginning of an expression (defaults to "{{")
  -C, --close    tag indicating the end of an expression (defaults to "}}")

  $ scaffy
  $ scaffy templates/module -o new-directory


scaffy(src, opts, cb(err, tree))

Replaces all instances of the keys provided by opts.data within src. The resulting file tree is passed to cb via tree, which takes the form folder : { name : folder | file }.


  • data: map detailing the keys to be replaced within the given template and their corresponding values (defaults to an empty object)
  • dest: path to which the resulting file tree is written (defaults to src)
  • open: tag indicating the beginning of an expression (defaults to {{)
  • close: tag indicating the end of an expression (defaults to }})


  • semibran/fs-tree: underlying basis for this module's reads and writes
  • jamen/pixie: flexible templating engine responsible for this module's replacement mechanism