Project in Action: MIDWEST MOTO

This project has evolved over time, embracing the latest technologies. In its initial version, it utilized Firebase v8 and Bootstrap. The latest update, however, has seen a significant transformation. We've upgraded to Firebase v9 and enriched the design by incorporating Tailwind and Flowbite. Our commitment to quality is reflected in the responsive design that now ensures an optimal user experience across all devices.


  • React
  • Redux
  • Firebase v9.22.2
  • TailwindCss
  • Flowbite
  • React-router-dom
  • React-hot-toast


git clone https://github.com/semihalperKeskin/MIDWESTMOTO.git
npm i
npm i firebase@9
npm i -D tailwindcss
npm i flowbite
npm i react-router-dom
npm i react-hot-toast

Admin user

E-mail: mail@mail.com
Password: 123456