
This is an updated (compatible with Python 3) fork of the NerveNet paper: NerveNet: Learning Structured Policy with Graph Neural Networks.


The original repo uses TF 1.0.1, which is not compatible with Python 3.7. The lowest compatible version is 1.13.1, thus I suggest installing that. GPU version is not necessary.

pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1

If you encounter TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'NoneType' and 'NoneType', refer to this issue: WilsonWangTHU#4. Updating the implementation of _GatherDropNegatives from should fix it.

pip install gym==0.7.4
pip install 'gym[mujoco]'

The following dependencies may be required:

apt-get install -y python-numpy python-dev cmake zlib1g-dev libjpeg-dev xvfb libav-tools xorg-dev python-opengl libboost-all-dev libsdl2-dev swig

We still rely on MJPro 1.31, so we'll need an activation key.

Download mjpro131 from:

Download the activation key from:

Put both in your .mujoco folder, and finally install the python bindings: mujoco-py==0.5.7

pip install mujoco-py==0.5.7

Finally, install remaining dependencies:

pip six beautifulsoup4 termcolor num2words

Running NerveNet

To run the code, first cd into the 'tool' directory. We provide three examples below (The checkpoint files are already included in the repo):

To test the transfer learning result of MLPAA from centipedeSix to centipedeEight:

python --task CentipedeEight-v1 --use_gnn_as_policy 0 --num_threads 4 --ckpt_name ../checkpoint/centipede/fc/6 --mlp_raw_transfer 1 --transfer_env CentipedeSix2CentipedeEight  --test 100

You should get the average reward around 20. If you want to test the performance of pretrained models, you should use:

python --task CentipedeSix-v1 --use_gnn_as_policy 0 --num_threads 4 --ckpt_name ../checkpoint/centipede/fc/6 --mlp_raw_transfer 1  --test 100

The performance of the pretrained model of MLPAA is around 2755.

Similarly, to get the transfer learning result of NerveNet from centipedeSix to centipedeEight:

python --task CentipedeEight-v1 --use_gnn_as_policy 1 --num_threads 4 --gnn_embedding_option noninput_shared --root_connection_option nN,Rn,uE --gnn_node_option nG,nB --ckpt_name ../checkpoint/centipede/gnn/6 --transfer_env CentipedeSix2CentipedeEight --test 100

The reward of NerveNet should be around 1600. And to test the pretrained model:

python --task CentipedeSix-v1 --use_gnn_as_policy 1 --num_threads 4 --gnn_embedding_option noninput_shared --root_connection_option nN,Rn,uE --gnn_node_option nG,nB --ckpt_name ../checkpoint/centipede/gnn/6 --test 100

The reward for NerveNet pretrained model is around: 2477

To train an agent from sratch using NerveNet, you could use the following code:

python --task ReacherOne-v1 --use_gnn_as_policy 1 --network_shape 64,64 --lr 0.0003 --num_threads 4 --lr_schedule adaptive --max_timesteps 1000000 --use_gnn_as_value 0 --gnn_embedding_option noninput_shared --root_connection_option nN,Rn,uE --gnn_node_option nG,nB