Senior Data Warehouse Analyst at Turkcell || MSc in Data Analytics, Sabanci University.
Pinned Repositories
Explaratory Data Analysis of Airbnb Istanbul data with maps, visuals and ANOVA tests.
I created a dashboard website to visualize COVID 19 data of Turkey. It is built using Python's Flask Web Framework and deployed on Heroku cloud.
Creating a new python package that helps to calculate basic Gaussian and Binomial Distributions functionalities. Uploaded and ready to use on PyPi.
A churn prediction model for a music app: Sparkify. It is built with Spark using IBM Cloud Pak. Pyspark is used for reaching Spark & Hadoop.
Processing data with PySpark, Sending data to Apacha Kafka, Producing Streaming data from Kafka-Producers, Consuming data with Spark-Streaming and writing it to ElasticSearch. Realtime data visualisation on Kibana.
Sales Forecasting with Time Series Analysis by using ARIMA and SARIMAX.
A H2O Wave App with Spotify data. You can upload your Spotify history data and create a visual analysis for it insantly!
This project aims building a Natural Language Processing (NLP) model to categorize messages for possible disaster events that could happen in future. It is created as a part of Udacity Data Scientist Nanodegree Program.
Web Scraping of Product prices' from Amazon & MediaMarkt websites by using BeatifulSoup and Selenium libraries.
A no-code mobile app for discovering trending songs, TV series, movies, searches, and tweets based on country.
semihdesticioglu's Repositories
Explaratory Data Analysis of Airbnb Istanbul data with maps, visuals and ANOVA tests.
Processing data with PySpark, Sending data to Apacha Kafka, Producing Streaming data from Kafka-Producers, Consuming data with Spark-Streaming and writing it to ElasticSearch. Realtime data visualisation on Kibana.
A H2O Wave App with Spotify data. You can upload your Spotify history data and create a visual analysis for it insantly!
Sales Forecasting with Time Series Analysis by using ARIMA and SARIMAX.
This project aims building a Natural Language Processing (NLP) model to categorize messages for possible disaster events that could happen in future. It is created as a part of Udacity Data Scientist Nanodegree Program.
Web Scraping of Product prices' from Amazon & MediaMarkt websites by using BeatifulSoup and Selenium libraries.
I created a dashboard website to visualize COVID 19 data of Turkey. It is built using Python's Flask Web Framework and deployed on Heroku cloud.
Creating a new python package that helps to calculate basic Gaussian and Binomial Distributions functionalities. Uploaded and ready to use on PyPi.
A churn prediction model for a music app: Sparkify. It is built with Spark using IBM Cloud Pak. Pyspark is used for reaching Spark & Hadoop.
This is my winning project in Turkcell AI Vision Challenge competition that was held in my company. Out of 120 project, it is awarded as 1st. I created a CNN algorithm in pytorch library and used Resnet-18 model with transfer learning.
A no-code mobile app for discovering trending songs, TV series, movies, searches, and tweets based on country.