Docker repository for running red language REPL.
Main purpose of this repository is running red language on macos.
Before running red, create a docker volume for compiled console as below:
docker volume create red-console
Then you can run it like below:
docker run --rm -it --platform=linux/386 -v red-console:/root/.red hasansemih/red
Or if you want to volume directory, you may run like this:
docker run --rm -it --platform=linux/386 -v red-console:/root/.red -v "${PWD}":/var/app hasansemih/red
For daily usage i'm using with alias as below:
alias red-with-folder='docker run --rm -it --platform=linux/386 -v red-console:/root/.red -v "${PWD}":/var/app hasansemih/red'
# alias red='docker run --rm -it --platform=linux/386 -v red-console:/root/.red hasansemih/red'
red() {
docker run --rm -it --platform=linux/386 \
-v red-console:/root/.red \
-v "$HOME/Projects/custom-red-language-scripts":/var/scripts \
-e CLIP="$(pbpaste)" \