Header accumulator

This crate is used to accumulate block headers and compare them against header accumulators. This process is used to verify the authenticity of these blocks.

the header_accumulator is more intended to be used as a library, since it needs to be fed blocks that have to be parsed first.

Getting Started



  • era_validate: Validates entire ERAs of flat files against Header Accumulators. Use this command to ensure data integrity across different ERAs.

  • generate_inclusion_proof: Generates inclusion proofs for a range of blocks. This is useful for verifying the presence of specific blocks within a dataset.

  • verify_inclusion_proof: Verifies inclusion proofs for a range of blocks. Use it to confirm the accuracy of inclusion proofs you have.


  • -h, --help: Display a help message that includes usage, commands, and options.


Our goal is to provide a tool that can be used to verify blocks from StreamingFast's Firehose. It is used in unity with flat flat-files-decoder in flat_head to achieve a solution.


Some tests depend on flat-files-decoder to work, so it is used as a development dependency.

Run cargo test to test all functionalities.


Generate code coverage reports with cargo llvm-cov --html and open them with open ./target/llvm-cov/html/index.html.