
VirtualTimeEventLoop replaces asyncio eventloop and allows the testing time be different from wall-clock time

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Pytest VirtualTime Event Loop


  • Use virtual time inside the asyncio loop and stop waiting in real time
  • Code to be tested has not to be changed


You can install "pytest-virtualtime" via pip from PyPI:

$ pip install pytest-virtualtime


How long will the following test take?

async def test_waiting(event_loop):
    l = list()

    asyncio.call_later(5, l.append, 5)

    await asyncio.sleep(4)
    assert len(l) == 0

    await asyncio.sleep(2)
    assert l == [5]

Yes, you will wait 6 seconds. And yes, after running this test you will be 6 seconds older.

But has time to be wall-clock time in tests?

In most cases - No!

So instead do this:

async def test_waiting(virtual_time_loop):

When replacing event_loop with virtual_time_loop the default asyncio loop get exchanged by a loop where time is just virtually passing by. No wall-clock time is passing - and you will not be 6 seconds older.

Use virtual time event loop and stay young!


This plugin is using the VirtualTimeEventLoop from aioreactive . Without that work this plugin would not be possible!