
Microservices Golang Saga Orchestration - Use Case using Transactional Outbox + Change Data Capture with Debezium

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Saga Orchestration Pattern: Use Case Implementation

Transactional Outbox + Change Data Capture with Debezium
Tech Stack: Golang and Apache Kafka

This use case demonstrates how to implement the SAGA Pattern to achieve distributed transactions across multiple microservices, assuming the implementation utilizes a Database per Service approach. The solution employs the Transactional Outbox Pattern in conjunction with Change Data Capture (CDC) and Debezium on top of Kafka Connect, and, Apache Kafka serves as the messaging backbone for the overall architecture.


Use case: As a guest, I want to make a hotel reservation

There are 3 microservices involved:

  • Reservation Service - initiator and orchestrator of the Saga
  • Hotel Service - ensure the hotel's room requested is available and book it or rejects it if unavailable
  • Payment Service - executes the payment associated to an incoming reservation

And we have the following service configuration: Context Overview


Use the SAGA Orchestration Pattern to ensure data consistency between services.


The reservation process is as follows: Reservation State

The SAGA framework state machine happy path: SagaStateMachine

A detailed component workflow: Use Case Overview

A happy path for making a reservation is illustrated in the following sequence diagram: Happy Path

An unhappy path of making a reservation, when the payment is rejected, and the compensation step is involved you can see in the following sequence diagram: Unhappy Path

Running the Use Case

Start the docker compose (docker-compose.yaml)

/src % docker-compose up --build

During the build process there is a kafka-setup service which creates kafka topics and submit the debezium connectors

Make a reservation

% http POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/reservations < e2e/room-reservation-placement.json

HTTP/1.1 202
Location: http://localhost:8080/api/v1/reservations/6656d80e-edf0-42ab-b114-ced902bafa36
Retry-After: 0.5

Examine the emitted event for room-booking.inbox.events in Apache Kafka:

% docker run --tty --rm \
    --network go-saga-orchestration-network \
    quay.io/debezium/tooling:1.2 \
    kafkacat -b kafka:9092 -C -o beginning -q \
    -f "{\"key\":%k, \"headers\":\"%h\"}\n%s\n" \
    -t room-booking.inbox.events 
{"key":057ceada-02b3-4a65-beb3-3de54d6e29f3, "headers":"id=aed1882e-c6d2-402c-985f-e40d19d4df43,eventType=REQUEST"}

and, the emitted event for payment.inbox.events in Apache Kafka:

% docker run --tty --rm \
    --network go-saga-orchestration-network \
    quay.io/debezium/tooling:1.2 \
    kafkacat -b kafka:9092 -C -o beginning -q \
    -f "{\"key\":%k, \"headers\":\"%h\"}\n%s\n" \
    -t payment.inbox.events 
{"key":057ceada-02b3-4a65-beb3-3de54d6e29f3, "headers":"id=e3280316-16b8-4114-98ee-9443d523d2ea,eventType=REQUEST"}

Query the saga state in the reservation service's database:

% docker run --tty --rm -i \
        --network go-saga-orchestration-network \
        quay.io/debezium/tooling:1.2 \
        bash -c 'pgcli postgresql://reservationuser:secret@reservation-db:5432/reservationdb'

SELECT * FROM public.sagastate;

| id                                   | version   | type             | payload                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           | current_step   | step_status                                           | saga_status   |
| 057ceada-02b3-4a65-beb3-3de54d6e29f3 | 3         | room-reservation | {"type": "REQUEST", "roomId": 1, "endDate": "2023-12-17", "guestId": 10000001, "hotelId": 1, "startDate": "2023-12-16", "paymentDue": 1702632793441, "creditCardNo": "************7999", "reservationId": "6656d80e-edf0-42ab-b114-ced902bafa36"} |                | {"payment": "SUCCEEDED", "room-booking": "SUCCEEDED"} | COMPLETED     |

And, also, query the location URL:

% http GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/reservations/6656d80e-edf0-42ab-b114-ced902bafa36 
HTTP/1.1 200 
Content-Type: application/json

    "guestId": 10000001,
    "hotelId": 1,
    "reservationId": "6656d80e-edf0-42ab-b114-ced902bafa36",
    "roomId": 1,
    "status": "SUCCEED"

Checkout e2e folder with some unhappy scenarios