
Awesome caving and speleology resources



Awesome caving and speleology resources. Add new suggestions in Issues or ready entries in Pull Requests.

Surveying hardware

Data collection:



Software and hardware for precise (<1 m) object location:

Surveying software


Mobile apps used underground for data collection and sketching:

  • Qave, Android
  • SexyTopo, Android, open-source
  • TopoDroidX, Android, do not install app from Google Play Store as it's outdated

Data management and sketching

Cave survey data management and sketching apps:


  • CaveWhere, Windows, MacOS, Linux, open-source - visualise cave surveys as 3D models
  • TerrainTool, Java, open-source create surface topographic data for the cave survey packages Survex and Therion


Computing 3D models and cave surveys from cave videos.

Caving gear


There's plenty of headlamps on the market, so only lighting designed or suitable for caving is listed here:

Cave communications

Please read Through-the-earth mine communications first for introduction to cave comms. Below only operational systems are listed:


  • ECRA Communications Catalogue from European Cave Rescue Group (ECRA), listing deprecated and current cave communication systems
  • CREG Journal (British Caving Research Association: The Cave Radio & Electronics Group, requires subscription)