The Screeps Profiler is a library that helps to understand where your CPU is being spent in the game of Screeps.
It works by monkey patching functions on the Global game object prototypes, with a function that record how long each function takes. The primary benefit of using this profiler is that you can get a clear picture of where your CPU is being used over time, and optimize some of the heavier functions. While it works best for players that heavily employ prototypes in their code, it should work to some degree for all players.
You have two options for installing this script. You can either use npm and a compiler like webpack, or you can copy/paste the screeps-profiler.js
file and use the provided screeps require function.
Your main.js will will need to be configured like so.
// Any modules that you use that modify the game's prototypes should be require'd
// before you require the profiler.
const profiler = require('screeps-profiler');
// This line monkey patches the global prototypes.
module.exports.loop = function() {
profiler.wrap(function() {
// Main.js logic should go here.
You can make use of the profiler via the Screeps console.
Game.profiler.profile(ticks, [functionFilter]);, [functionFilter]);, [functionFilter]);
// Output current profile data.
// Output current profile data for a single function.
// Reset the profiler, disabling any profiling in the process.
// Reset the profiler for a single function without changing profiling configuration.
Note: It can take up to 30 ticks if you're using module.exports.loop
for these commands to work without issue.
- Will run for the given number of ticks then will output the gathered information to the console.
- Will run for the given number of ticks, and will output the gathered information each tick to the console. The can sometimes be useful for seeing spikes in performance.
- This will run for the given number of ticks, and will email the output to your registered Screeps email address. Very useful for long running profiles.
- This will run indefinitely, and will only output data when the output
console command is run. Very useful for long running profiles with lots of function calls.
- Print a report based on the current tick. The profiler will continue to operate normally. This is currently the only way to get data from the background
- Stops the profiler and resets its memory. This is currently the only way to stop a background
- Restarts the profiler using the same options previously used to start it.
In each case, ticks
controls how long the profiler should run before stopping, and the optional functionFilter
parameter will limit the scope of the profiler to a specific function.
Below is a sample output of Game.profiler.profile(1000)
calls time avg function
2000 12293.9, 6.147
10914 6025.0, 0.552
2000 3534.5, 1.767
70000 1949.3, 0.028
2832 1733.8, 0.612 Creep.moveTo
3727 1093.7, 0.293 Creep.moveToAndHarvest
1659 886.0, 0.534 Creep.takeEnergyFrom
8466 871.9, 0.103 Room.createConstructionSite
3500 852.7, 0.244 Creep.harvest
975 745.8, 0.765 Creep.deliverEnergyTo
2615 741.1, 0.283 Room.needsCouriers
278 700.5, 2.520 RoomPosition.findPathTo
278 673.6, 2.423 Room.findPath
21342 575.4, 0.027 Spawn.availableEnergy
2805 535.1, 0.191 Room.getStorage
2108 511.7, 0.243 Creep.move
1830 487.1, 0.266 Creep.moveByPath
1439 483.9, 0.336 Creep.moveToAndUpgrade
26596 454.5, 0.017 Room.find
4247 443.1, 0.104 Room.droppedControllerEnergy
Avg: 15.43 Total: 15425.31 Ticks: 1000 Est. Bucket (20 limit): 5055
Below is a sample output of Game.profiler.outputSingle('Creep.move')
calls time avg function
2108 511.7, 0.243 Creep.move
Seeing that
is high, we might run Game.profiler.profile(200, '')
to see what about
is taking so long. From that we would get:
calls time avg function
62 137.7, 2.221
103 25.8, 0.251 Room.needsCouriers
41 23.9, 0.583 Room.needsUpgraders
41 18.6, 0.452 Room.needsHarvesters
41 17.6, 0.429 Room.getSourcesNeedingHarvesters
105 16.1, 0.154 Room.getStorage
548 14.9, 0.027 Spawn.availableEnergy
341 12.1, 0.035 Room.find
62 8.4, 0.135 Room.harvesterCount
48 8.3, 0.174 Spawn.extend
211 7.9, 0.037 Room.getExtensions
41 7.3, 0.178 Room.droppedControllerEnergy
103 7.1, 0.069 Room.courierCount
62 7.1, 0.115 Room.getHarvesters
41 6.5, 0.158 Room.needsBuilders
12 6.1, 0.509 Spawn.buildBuilder
62 5.8, 0.094 Room.setupFlags
103 5.6, 0.055 Room.getCouriers
15 5.0, 0.330 Room.upgraderWorkParts
41 4.8, 0.116 Room.builderCount
Avg: 13.54 Total: 2707.90 Ticks: 200 Est. Bucket (20 limit): 1774
Note: Each function recorded here was part of a call stack with
at the root.
The profiler automatically registers many of the built in functions in Screeps, but not every player extends the provided prototypes. The profiler supports arbitrary registration of objects and functions as well, but takes a bit more work to setup.
In order to do it, you'll need to import the profiler wherever you want to register a function, then call registerClass
, registerObject
, or registerFN
const profiler = require('profiler');
class SuperOmegaCreep {
work() {
// Each of the functions on this class will be replaced with a profiler wrapper. The second parameter
// is a required label.
profiler.registerClass(SuperOmegaCreep, 'SuperOmegaCreep');
const gameHandlerObject = {
handleGame: () => {
// do some work.
// Each of the functions on this object will be replaced with a profiler wrapper. The second parameter
// is a required label.
profiler.registerObject(gameHandlerObject, 'gameHandlerObject');
function getAllScouts() {
return Object.keys(Game.creeps).filter(creepName => {
const creep = Game.creeps[creepName];
return creep.memory.role === 'scout';
// Be sure to reassign the function, we can't alter functions that are passed.
getAllScouts = profiler.registerFN(getAllScouts, 'mySemiOptionalName');
Note: The second param is optional if you pass a named function function x() {}
, but required if you pass an anonymous function var x = function(){}
There is some work to setting up the functions for profiling. While this work is kept to a minimum when the profiler is not in use, it may be beneficial to comment out or remove the profiler.enable()
call when you know you aren't going to be using it. This will revert the monkey patched functions to their original functions.