
Source code and resources for the ESP32 Conference Badge

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Source code and resources for the ESP32 Conference Badge

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Requires the ESP32 conference badge or similar hardware:

Required Libraries for Arduino platform sketches:

Example Sketches:

  • Basic: 4 Simple badges combined into one (Marquee, Hello, Hello w/changing message, Gangster wanted poster)
  • Framework Only: Starter sketch with only pin defines, component setup, and button checking.
  • Gravitack: Low-gravity lunar lander type game
  • QR Code: Name badge with QR code display of the ESP32 IP address and simple web page for controlling the LEDs
  • Slideshow: Timed slideshow display. Requires v1.2 of the badge with 38-pin DevKitC and an SD card.
  • Test1: Test app to verify functionality of the badge. Also available for the ESP-IDF platform.
  • Test BLE Peripheral/Central: Shows how to use one badge to control another over BLE.
  • Time & Weather: Displays time and weather data from DS3231 RTC and BME280 temperature/humidity/pressure sensor via I2C as well as network weather info
  • Tombstone: Classic Morg-shooting schooner game
  • Wizard: Animated badge for wizards and witches that have escaped from notorious magical prisons


  • Kickstand: Minimalist 3D-printed kickstand for the badge to get it to stand upright on a flat surface. Attach to the middle holes on badge (just below the buttons) with 2 small flat-headed woodscrews.


  • img-rgb565.py: convert graphics files to RGB565 bitmap integer array C header files
  • wav-pcm8.py: convert 8 bit mono PCM wave files to byte array C header files

Additional Info:

  • The TFT display orientation is rotated 180 degrees between the v1.1 /DevKitv1 board and v1.2 DEVKITC versions. Adjust the SCREEN_ROT value in esp32_badge.h to 1 for v1.1 or 3 for v1.2 boards.
  • SD card slot on the TFT is not connected in v1.1