
toyyibPay for WooCommerce

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

=== Plugin Name ===
Contributors: toyyibPay,  zahiruliman, aminfaudzi
Tags: payment gateway, Malaysia, online banking, fpx, Mastercard, Visa
Requires at least: 4.3
Tested up to: 5.8.1
Stable tag: 1.3.1
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

toyyibPay payment gateway plugin for WooCommerce. 

== Description ==

Now you can integrate major Malaysian payment channel in your WooCommerce shop, quick and easy!

toyyibPay payment gateway plugin for WooCommerce.
> Our pricing is always per transaction. No startup fees, no monthly fees, and no gateway fees. No hidden fees, period. 

Install this plugin to enable online payment using online banking (for Malaysian banks only) and credit/debit cards (Visa and Mastercard only).

Please go to the [signup page](https://www.toyyibpay.com/access) to create a toyyibPay account and start receiving payments.

Contact us on our [Facebook Page](https://www.facebook.com/toyyibpay) if you have any questions or comments about this plugin.

You can also follow us on [Facebook](https://facebook.com/toyyibpay)!

**Currently toyyibPay is only available to businesses that reside in Malaysia.**

== Installation ==

Make sure that you already have WooCommerce plugin installed and activated.

**Step 1:**

- Login to your *WordPress Dashboard*
- Go to **Plugins > Add New**
- Search **toyyibPay for WooCommerce**

**Step 2:**

- **Activate** the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress.

**Step 3:**

- Go to **WooCommerce > Settings > Payments**
- Click **Manage**

**Step 4:**

- Fill in your **Category Code and Secret Key**. You can retrieve your Category Code and Secret Key from your [toyyibPay Admin Dashboard](https://toyyibpay.com/access/login). Make sure you entered your email that you use to register toyyibPay.
- Make sure all details that you have entered correctly.
- Make sure the 'Enable this payment gateway' is ticked.
- Click **Save** to save changes.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Do I need to sign up with toyyibPay in order to use this plugin? =

Yes, we require info such as email and secret key that is only available after you sign up with toyyibPay.

= Can I use this plugin without using WooCommerce? =


= What currency does it support? =

Currently toyyibPay only support Malaysian Ringgit (RM).

= What if I have some other question related to toyyibPay? =

Contact us on our [Facebook Page](https://www.facebook.com/toyyibpay) if you have any questions or comments about this plugin.

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.0 =
* Initial release. Yay!

= 1.0.1 =
* [FIXED] Bugs fixed

= 1.1.0 =
* [NEW] Now you can choose to enable Credit/Debit Card Only, FPX Only or both!

= 1.1.1 =
* [NEW] Added new image for WooCommerce checkout options.

= 1.1.2 =
* [FIXED] Bugs fixed

= 1.2.0 =
* [FIXED] Bugs fixed
* [NEW] Support multiple wordpress site per e-mail.
* [NEW] Development mode for testing purposes.
* [NEW] Support toyyibPay V1.2 updates (Transaction charge on customer & extra e-mail 

= =
* [FIXED] Checkout bug fixed

= =
* [FIXED] Bug fixed

= =
* [FIXED] Bug fixed

= =
* [IMPROVED] Made some changes in API usage

= =
* [FIXED] Bug fixed

= 1.2.1 =
* [IMPROVED] Improve callback function for better payment status handling.

= =
* [FIXED] Bug fixed

= 1.2.2 =
* [FIXED] Bug fixed

= =
* [FIXED] Redirection after payment issues 

= =
* [FIXED] Bug fixed

= 1.3.0 =
* [NEW] Split Payment feature introduced in WooCommerce.

= 1.3.1 =
* [Fixed] Security update