#This is a beta toolchain for LinkIt_Assist_2502 for Linux




  1. Download the arm compiler gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2014q4-20141203-linux.tar.bz2

  2. Download the Windows SDK

  3. Use a Windows maschine for updating the firmware

  4. Switch off the device and connect it to USB. Copy autostart.txt in the root folder

##Running the sample

make all

make upload


merge_mtk.py adds a header and the size of the elf file for loading

uploader.py upload the main.vxp to the device and restarts the application

mon.py a simple debug monitor. shows vm_log* messages from the device

ToDo Understand the header format

ToDo Understand the resource file format and building

ToDo Understand the monitor tool

The Device

Power off and connect USB

Ubuntu Linux found /dev/ttyUSB0 and switch after some seconds to USB Mass Storage device (5.2 MB ). This is partions C:

Power on and conncect to USB

Ubuntu Linux found

/dev/ttyACM0 ( Mtk Modem Port ) used for uploading *.vxp Applications

/dev/ttyACM1 ( Mtk Debug Port ) used for debugging

The device as 2 partions C: and D:.

Partions D: can only accessed via AT commands from the modem port. see uploader.py